Rydals museum now open to in person visits!
Alke Schmidt solo exhibition at Rydals museum, 28/3/21 to 7/11/21

Justice, Freedom & Bread opens at Rydalsmuseum 28 March
After a lot of covid-related anxiety I'm really delighted to announce that Justice, Freedom & Bread, my solo show at Rydalsmuseum in...

Pandemic Spring card sets for sale
PontArte Maastricht have produced a beautiful 20 card set of this diary. Each card is 12.5 x 17.6 cm on 250 grs paper, and the set is...

Solo exhibition at PontArte Gallery, Maastricht
-- STOP PRESS: The exhibition has been extended until 12 December. -- I am delighted to announce that my Pandemic Spring coronavirus...

SWARM continues at 1B Window Gallery during Covid lockdown
After its successful run at Vestry House Museum a selection of the works from the SWARM exhibition is now on show at Walthamstow's 1B Wi

SWARM exhibition and events update
The exhibition "SWARM: Artists respond to the pollinator crisis" can be seen at at Vestry House Museum and Garden until 26 January

Forthcoming exhibition: SWARM at Vestry House Museum
I'm busy making work for SWARM - Artists Respond to the Pollinator Crisis, a new group exhibition that will open at Vestry House Museum...

Selvedge Magazine article and talk
Uthra Rajgopal, assistant curator at the Whitworth, has written a great article about my work in the January 2019 issue of Selvedge...

Reading Between the Limes
"A Tale of Two Visions", ink on rice paper. Private collection After its successful (albeit very short!) run at Winns Gallery, the...

Wonder & Dread (8): Not just an exhibition !
As the last week of her "Wonder and Dread" exhibition at Bradford Industrial Museum approaches, artist Alke Schmidt talks about th