15 March: Panel discussion on fast fashion and artist talk

I am very pleased to announce two upcoming events associated with my Wonder and Dread exhibition. Both events will be be at Bradford Industrial Museum on Thursday 15 March 2018. A great chance to see the exhibition as well!
11 AM - 12 noon Artist Alke Schmidt gives a tour of her exhibition "Wonder and Dread". This event is a collaboration between the Textile Society and Bradford Industrial Museum. Please book through the Textile Society at: http://www.textilesociety.org.uk/events/event-details.php?textile-event=961
CLOTHES TO DIE FOR? A PANEL DISCUSSION 1 - 3 PM Five years after the catastrophic collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh, what has changed in the way fashion is produced and sold? What can industry, governments, campaigners and consumers do to help make modern fashion supply chains safer, fairer and more sustainable? Panelists will include Mark Sumner, Lecturer in Sustainability, Fashion and Retail at the University of Leeds; Sarah Ditty, Head of Policy at Fashion Revolution; artist Alke Schmidt, and Anna Skodbo, Creative Director and founder of phannatiq, an independent clothing brand committed to sustainable manufacture and supply chain transparency. The event will be chaired by labour rights and ethical trade expert Pins Brown. Free entry. Refreshments provided. Space is limited, please book on: industrial.museum@bradford.gov.uk or t: 01274 435900 Event webpage